Computer Sound Installations
Fransje Jepkes (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


    3.14.......... [1994]
Endless Digital

The search for the last decimal of the pi symbol. With the aid of a composed alphabet the decimals are digitally written in eight languages. Formules, language, anaimations and sound make the installation endlessly varied.
Computer realisation Shaun O'Neil

    # 5 [1993]
Endless Digital Shapes and sounds that are randomly varied.
Computer realisation Shaun O'Neil
    # Black/White [1991]
Endless Digital Shapes and sounds that are randomly varied.
Computer realisation Shaun O'Neil
    Poem # RGB [1990]
Endless Digital A rhythmic elaboration of image and language. Five shapes, three colours and twenty-seven shades are controlled by five computers. Shapes stretch and slide over, under and through each other in different speeds. Colours, linked to words, turn against the clock.
The sounds are spoken by Guy Sonnen.
Computer realisation Shaun O'Neil